Messe de la Pentecôte

The author of the Pentecost Mass Messe de la Pentecôte is composer and priest Marián Gregor. The Mass includes a song for the beginning of the service, the offertory, communion, and organ music for the conclusion. The French titles relate to the style of music and the type of organ used in Sielnica. The opening chords of the first part, Entrée, seem to open the gate of a large Gothic cathedral. A procession enters through the portal. Then, a rhythmically distinctive motif is heard, symbolizing the joy and omnipresence of the Holy Spirit. The high organ overtones at the beginning of the Offertory may remind one of the flickering flame of altar candles, a symbol of sacrifice. The Communion antiphon depicts the event of Pentecost itself and therefore deserves the most dramatic representation. The author thus chose a meditative form of the antiphon, imitating Gregorian chant, set against an organ motif. Finally, the last part, the organ Sortie, seeks to once again evoke the event of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, even using the melody of the medieval hymn Veni Creator Spiritus (Come, Holy Spirit, Creator). The cycle premiered on June 5, 2022, on the Feast of Pentecost at the Church of the Holy Spirit in Sielnica.

Organ: Denisa Gibalová – Kabáčová
Solo: Jana Rábotová Rajčoková
Conductor: Oľga Bystrianska
Music: Marián Gregor
Sound: Pavlik Records