Kukurička strapatá

The folk song is one of the oldest forms of lyric poetry. It was passed down from generation to generation, and its author is unknown. It is an important expression of the spiritual life of every nation, having originated in ancient times and during various occasions. The song “Kukurička strapatá” was specifically composed for the Women’s Choir Belius. The theme of the song highlights social differences and forbidden love between two young people. This theme is so compelling that it inspired us to create a film adaptation.

Servant and Wealthy Girl: Filip Gáfrik, Vanesa Šanková
Parents: Pavol a Monika Holíkovci, Ján Chabada   
Oľga Bystrianska
Solo: Jana Rábotová Rajčoková
Accordion: Dominik Frčka
Music: Peter Špilák