Missa Slovaca

Missa Slovaca for women’s choir, transverse flute, string quartet, and organ was performed on May 28, 2023, at the Church of St. Francis of Assisi in Detva. The author of this mass is Slovak composer Zdenka Fekiačová Skruteková.

The mass consists of 13 parts: Overture, Opening Song: I Come to You, Lord Have Mercy, Glory to God, Psalm, Alleluia, I Believe in God, Offertory: We Bring God’s Gifts to the Altar, Holy, Holy, Our Father, Lamb of God, Communion Song: I Come with Humility, Final Song: Do Not Be Afraid. The texts for the opening piece, offertory, communion song, and the final song were written by the composer.

“When composing this mass, my intention was to create a work in the Slovak language that could be sung during holy masses not only in its entirety but also in an abridged version with selected parts. I chose a harmony that is understandable and smoothly fits into other liturgical music. In the text of the final part, one can find a parallel between the modern person and Mary Magdalene, where others focus on our failures, even though they themselves are not without fault. The conclusion of the mass, ‘Do not be afraid, you are not alone,’ focuses on our sinfulness, yet it is also full of hope in God’s mercy, which gives us the hope of not being alone in difficult situations.”

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Conductor: Oľga Bystrianska
Solists: Jana Rajčoková Rajčoková, Barbora Borbélyová, Agáta Sivčáková
Organ: Denisa Gibalová Kabáčová
Flute: Michaela Šaálová
Violin: Alena Hermanová, Marcel Berky
Viola: Jaroslava Hakelová
Cello: Mikuláš Tuhý 
Music: Zdenka Fekiačová Skruteková 
Sound: Pavlik Records

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Belius zbor